Sunday, February 28, 2016

For Editorial

When it comes to allowing handguns on Kansas’ campuses, I really see no reason to deny individuals this right. Second Amendment rights are also being infringed upon by denying individuals their rights to bear arms. No state or university has the right to overrule the Constitution, the law of our country. It is our constitutional right as citizens to be armed if we so choose. To restrict our rights as citizens would be to deny us our pursuit of liberty.

Having individuals who are readily armed and willing to act in the event of a shooting is an invaluable asset. A large amount of lives could be saved in the time it takes first responders to arrive. Putting the public safety first is at the heart of this supposed conflict, and when individuals are properly equipped to act the public is safer than without a form of defense. In addition, there is nothing that is going to stop a shooter from acting if he or she really wants to. Just because a law says that handguns can’t be present in an area does not guarantee deterrence. Signs that say “no weapons allowed” are just as efficient as speed limit signs in stopping rule breakers. A sign poses no tangible opposition, and is easily ignored. A human being is far more effective in this regard than a sign. Frankly, it surprises me it has taken so long for Kansas to allow concealed carry on the premises of public buildings.

Question: Where and how might someone who is against the concealed carry law poke holes in this argument?

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