Argument 2: Second Amendment Rights
For Argument:
Placing limitations on where handguns are allowed and who can
carry a concealed handgun on Kansas college campuses infringes on the
community’s second amendment right to bear arms. Governor Brownback defended
his movement to allow concealed handguns on campuses in Kansas without
restrictions by stating that “this matter is about the second amendment right,
and though some may question the right and its limitations, it is a
constitutional right none the less. If we as a people limit and ultimately take
away this right, what other rights can be taken away as well?”. The
constitution ensures that every citizen has the right to defend and protect him
or herself. By taking away this right, citizens may be less able to protect
themselves if a situation were to occur.
Question: What are reasons
why you do not feel it is okay for the government to limit your
constitutional rights?
Against Argument:
However, on the other hand, constitutional rights have been
limited in the past to ensure the safety of American citizens. For instance,
the first amendment right allows freedom of speech, but in 1919 a Supreme Court
justice stated, “The first amendment right would not protect a man in falsely
shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater and causing a panic”. Though everyone has
the right of freedom of speech, one would infringe on said right if they were
to cause clear and present danger. Allowing handguns on college campuses would
add clear and present danger should a “shootout” occur. Limiting rights has
been done in the past in order to ensure public safety, just like it will do in
the future. Limiting the right is not taking it away, it is simply protecting
the people of the United States from a threat of clear and present danger.
Question: When do you
think it is okay for the government to limit your constitutional rights?
It is okay for the government to limit your constitutional rights when society changes and its for the best.