Sunday, February 28, 2016

Against Editorial

It is concerning to me that in just a few months’ time, the public university exemption on concealed handguns will expire.  People on the right will claim that it is in their 2nd Amendment rights to carry a weapon wherever they may please.  And while they are guaranteed the right to be armed, they are not guaranteed the right to infringe upon the rights of other people.  Personal safety will be violated, and our “unalienable rights” of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” will all be taken away from those on public university property.  There is no justifiable reason for a collective to feel unsafe simply going to work or class, just because a select few individuals feel the need to be armed.  There is a reason we have armed police officers, and it is to prevent individuals from causing harm to themselves or others.  That is not a job for an untrained civilian.

If the exemption does indeed expire, tens of thousands of university students and faculty will be subject to extremely dangerous situations.  Allowing concealed carry on colleges in Kansas will increase the likelihood for any individual to bring in a handgun and open fire on the public.  Time and time again we’ve seen horrific events at Columbine, at Virginia Tech, and recently at Newtown yet we still have yet to learn our lesson.  We as a community must fight back and make our voices heard.  If we can’t arrive at a solution and let the exemption expire, we are opening up the state of Kansas to be the next morbid national news story.

Question: How might someone who is for the concealed carry law take up issue with this argument?

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